Truscum/transmeds of this subreddit, what are your unpopular opinions across this community?

Ima start by saying im open to learning/being informed/corrected (as long as you dont call me "stupid" for not knowing, cause that's not helpful)

-they/them is totally ok to use if youre nb

-xenogenders/neopronouns dont make sense, how do you identify as a fairy/animal/song/object etc? At that point if you id as kit/kitself/kitten //pup/pupself/puppy arent you basically a furry?

-cultural genders/identities are 100% valid if you are apart of that culture (comig from someone who is 2S)

-you need some sort of dysphoria to be trans/nb (social/physical etc.)

-cis people are just trying to feel special when they use they/them (especially when they use she/they or he/they)

-he/him lesbians make no sense, especially when its a 14yo kid identifying as that (i guess i can see it making sense for like a 50+yo lesbian who couldn't always be openly out)

-they/them lesbians make no sense. Theres a name for that, trixic (or torid for nblm)

-pronouns = gender.

-demisexual and other sexualities similar to that really arent lgbtq+, cis people just want to feel special

-gsa/qsa are often toxic spaces (that ive seen/been apart of)

-nb people dont owe you androgyny -making fun of a trans/nb person for how they present makes no sense, for all you know they cant afford new clothes/hrt/therapy/haircut or anything else to help then in their transition

-you cant get mad at being misgendered if you dont make an effort to pass/look like anything other than your agab (unless youve already told the person)

If i think of anything else ill add it in the edit

/r/truscum Thread