/r/FireEmblemHeroes Weekly Question Thread (09/11/2017)

I posted this earlier:

Guys, I really want to build a Hana. While I have +ATk Ike, -SPD Lucina, +SPD Lyn, Masked PharMARTHcy, I still wanna make one because why not! Since I have Wo Dao+ Fodder, and spare feathers. My general idea is: Wo Dao + Luna / Moonbow Ardent Sacrifice if Desperation / Reposition if Wrath A: LnD 3 B: Desperation 3 or Wrath 3 C: Threaten Def 3 I have a 3* Hana that's +ATK / -RES. How does she compare to the SPD variation? With LnD3, she reaches 56/41 and 53/44 as +ATK and +SPD respectively. +SPD would double virtually everything (almost), activating Wo Dao + so often. I can't make up my mind. Then there's my +ATK Chrome 4* ready for his potential to be unlocked and inherit Brave Sword+. The extra bulk from his HP/DEF makes him a nice offensive tank-- But I got Eldigan for that. So yeah, I need opinions.


I did some tests in the damage calculator as attacker vs all:

  • Ogma (+SPD/-RES) with Wo Dao+, LnD3 and +atk1 seal: 143 wins / 4 loses / 21 Draws (He performs much better than the +ATK variant).

  • Hana (+ATK / -RES ) with Wo Dao+, LnD3 and HP 3 seal: 137 / 12 / 19

-Chrom (+ATK/-HP) with Brave Sword+, DB3 and +atk1 seal: 134 / 18 /16

The real winner is Ogma. However, he's currently the most expensive to make (sacrifice two 5*) + 20k feathers (20k more for LnD3). Moreover, that extra +1 in Atk/Spd from LnD3 alone makes a significant difference of 9 more wins (134 wins with only LnD2).

So I'm going for Ogma. If anyone disagrees, that'd be great. I need opinions.

/r/FireEmblemHeroes Thread