/r/singapore random discussion and small questions thread for November 18, 2022

Oh man. That’s fucked up. But I think if that were to happen, I’d probably hear it from a cousin or something.

Just some family drama. My single mom is a little needy. She likes to talk a lot and be in your business all the time. My sister and my mom’s relationship went downhill very fast, it was hard being the middle man. My sister was becoming more and more unreasonable. My mom’s getting old, she’s not going to change. So I started to defend my mother. One day in the middle of the night, my sis decided to move out after an argument with my mom. She literally packed all her shit in bags and boxes at 11pm. She said she’d rather sleep on the streets than be in this house. My mom was crying in the bedroom. I snapped and we both started yelling at each other. I couldn’t take it anymore and walked out while she was still yelling. That was the last time we saw each other.

/r/singapore Thread Parent