The r/UnpopularOpinion frontpage starterpack

Yea and school shooters etc are a minority. I never said everyone is shitty. I said we don't need to blame everyone else for the actions and beliefs of shitty people. Point is, you said nobody wakes up one day wanting to do this shit, but they absolutely do.

Kids in a cycle of crime, we should try like hell to get them out. That's all they've ever known. But kids with an axe to grind and an entitlement complex don't deserve sympathy. For every psycho who went through some shit, there's dozens of others who went through the same, and didn't turn into a monster in response.

Parkland shooter was the abuser and the bully. He wasn't bullied. He lost his mother, and that's terrible, but so did a thousand other kids this week. A kid in my state just shot up a highschool and killed his ex girlfriend because she broke up with him. Did we create him too? Incels celebrated Elliot Rodger, and advocated forced castration, child rape, and enslavement of women.

Some POS have no excuse. We need to be better as a society, but personal responsibility is important too.

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