[R]What is your greatest wish? Mine is not to be rapist.

Answer to your question is simple and your problem is quite similar to one that i share, my friends have gfs and it gets annoying to see people who are not that great getting the girl, though i dont say that I'm on the moral high ground but i have seen my friends have relationships with multiple girls at once (basically cheating)

The thing is that in India you dont have the culture of asking women out, unfortunately that doesn't work until you are either super rich or a great looking guy (quite honestly), all of my friends with their SOs started from being either school friends or just talked on FB or WhatsApp and they still got the girl (it so happens that you have to talk and all)

Dating and and asking out a stranger is like a taboo, the only way i would say you would get their is through tinder and all. Unfortunately i went through this but now i have stopped thinking about it, it only got me depressed.

The thing is that in India if you aren't good looking or rich you are gonna get stereotyped, its unfortunate but dont let it bother you, stay positive, and remember just go after your goals all the other things will follow

/r/india Thread