Do you think Ragen will blog about the Olympics?

Here you go: Ragen comes in around page 8 or so. Yeah, it's ridiculously epic.

For reference, Marilyn Wann's outrage post was about this:

And I'm going to be a dick and editorialize here, but seriously people. If you have time in your day to get THIS upset about something that some random UK reality show judges did in 2014, you might reconsider your tv habits and your "activism" a little. People are dying at the hands of racist cops, people are drinking lead-poisoned water that no one wants to clean up, there's an insane election happening, wtf is going on in Crimea, and this is your main concern? Reality tv?

I'm not saying this as a shitlording thin person - I'm fat too - but get off your effing couch. /end rant

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