It's Raining Men! Sweden Sees Historic Gender Balance Shift

Not true. I've seen some girls be together with migrants, and I say migrants because when they've talked on the street I can clearly hear a heavy accent. True, it isn't very common but it isn't "unheard of" or "non-existent".

What's notable is that the man is often quite ugly and the woman is either decent or sometimes even above-average. Judging the girl by her clothes she is often dressed in a way that many left-wing girls dress(including with the cloth handbag, big, spacy cloth pants, it isn't unusual that they have the female gender tattoo etc).

This probably means she is selecting him as a "political" choice.

I've written here before that in my city, I've seen a decline in IR couples over the last 5-6 years as the influx has increased. But what has instead become notable is that a small minority of girls are making political statements.

Of course, not all of them are, but it is hard to draw any other conclusion when he is often hideous and she is often above-average. When I look at IR relationships where both of them are born in Sweden, what happens there is what happens with white-white couples: both are typically on the same level of attractiveness.

For instance, I've often noticed that the guy is better looking when he is darker than she is. Most native IR couples I have seen in Sweden have been between an average white girl and above-average dark man.

By contrast, white-white couples tend to be quite close and if anything the woman is often a bit more attractive. This seems to suggest to me that there is a "price" to be paid if you are non-white, and that white dudes get away with uglier looks to a greater extent.

Which is why it's so puzzling that this rule is so out of sync when there are migrants involved, hence my guess that this is more about a political statement. Maybe I'm being unfair to such couples, but it looks like that from where I am.

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