do you want a raise? I'll give you an ultimatum

I was in a somewhat similar situation.

I burned that bridge to the ground. I requested to WFH, and used work hours to interview. Received a message like “hey I just got a call from a background check agency verifying your employment,” I acted stupid and said “oh great i didn’t know they would call. Thanks.”

Two business days before I was set to start, I let my boss ramble on about what how he wants this done and that done and what we’re gonna do in the next week and month, while typing my notice. Then I send it, “heads up Friday is my last day.” All hell broke loose; they were chasing after their tail.

As far as I was concerned, that was as professional of a notice as they deserved. I was half tempted to quit on the spot, the only thing stopping me is I didn’t want my coworker at the time to deal with a shitstorm of projects he knew nothing off.

/r/cscareerquestions Thread