[Rant] I have become so insecure about the way my body looks.

I cant really tell what about yourself you dont like (if you are over or under weight) from your post but i'll just go from my own example. I have been overweight for most of my life, a lot of my insecurity and self image issues stem from it. One thing that it gave me was a bit meatier of a frame to put more muscle on. Im still overweight, but improving things one by one help more and more with accepting and finding things to love about myself. My stomach looks like beat mashed potatoes, im self concious about my chest. But I have a wide back to spread and make my waist look slimmer. I have decent size arms to hide my chest. My shoulders and traps look sculpted in comparison to my gut, and my calves are huge from lugging around all this weight all the time. Forming these feautures that help me accept my body make way for more and more, which make way for changes in who I am, until I dont just love parts of myself, but I love myself as a whole. This may not be the greatest advice, but its something to think about, I guess.

/r/LGBTeens Thread