New Jersey passes bill forcing presidential candidates to release tax returns: report

I don't read left wing sources like Mother Jones or ShareBlue. I get my news from The Economist, Times magazine, etc. which are fairly reputable sources IMO. I don't think conservatives are true sociopaths in terms of being mentally ill, but my interactions with conservatives in real life causes me to think they're sociopathic in that they display little to no empathy for anyone outside of their immediate family and friends. This is worse in my mind because rather than being mentally ill they are lacking in morality and humanity. They'd rather let people die from cancer with no health care than pay a little more in taxes. They're willing to vote for open racists endorsed by neo-Nazis because they don't give a shit about the wellbeing of their minority neighbors. They advocate for the "freedom" to oppress gay and transgender people.

Trump was indeed a natural extension because for years and years the Republican Party appealed to racists, albeit with coded language. Are you even familiar with the Southern Strategy? Republicans just weren't blatant about it. So when Trump comes along and takes many of the same social positions of Islamophobia and xenophobia towards Mexicans as typical Republicans do, except more blatantly, Republican voters were already open to the idea.

We all love this country as much as you do.

The way Republicans' opinions of Putin improved in polls after the election when Russian interference became evident suggests otherwise. I don't think the Russians hacked the election or anything, but they clearly were involved in propaganda intended to destabilize the U.S.

Why do Democrats oppose Republicans when they suggest bills focusing on mental health?

This is plain false. Obamacare improved access to mental health and the new healthcare bill being planned will reduce funding for it.

a very dangerous accusation

It's an accusation that needs to be made. Conservatives have been hurting this country for years. The life expectancy in this country is lower than in other first world countries and even lower than countries like Costa Rica and conservative healthcare policies are at fault. People like you are causing loss of human life. Why should anyone give conservatives the benefit of the doubt? The sooner the cancer that is conservatism is rooted out from society the sooner American can improve.

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