Rational thought prompts liberal outrage in 3... 2... 1...

Hillary started the birther question during the 2008 primary and people spent years wondering why Obama refused to release his birth certificate. It was a legitimate question too, since Obama was raised in Indonesia as a child and himself said he was born in Kenya in order to get into college as a foreign exchange student. The first edition of his own book even claimed he was born in Kenya in the author's bio, which the Obama campaign later explained away as a publisher's error.

Understandably, after years of seeing the country getting dicked around and divided by Obama over such an easily verifiable question, people were starting to get a little annoyed, or at least curious for a conclusion. That's when Trump stepped in. Within a few days he had accomplished what the rest of the country had failed to accomplish for years. And as soon as Trump came looking for answers, Obama immediately acquiesced and released the birth certificate. Obama folded, Trump said great, that's what we wanted, and the deal was done.

/r/The_Donald Thread Link - i.sli.mg