The real American Dream

You're pretty clearly a neo-nazi, or on the way to becoming one. You say you don't read the news; I suspect that you read blog posts written by people who've swallowed too many fox news/info wars talking points over the past 15 years.

Besides our not officially recognizing their marriages in the past, (which they could technically have had anyway) cite an example of gays being treated worse than straight people, including proof. I was homophobicly bullied for years and I'm not even gay.

Show me a case of racism ("F*** ____ people," for instance) against black people, and I can show you two against white. (1, 2, remember that the only stimulus was a single word. heck, 3-7, presented by a black man [who I, a white man, respect, even though i think he sees way too much intent behind the people who think blacks are victims].) also, I have never heard a single person say that Obama is not qualified due to his color, nor anything to that effect. please link it to me if you find it.

I was lucky enough to be playing Halo online when Barack Obama got the presidency, and the amount of racism on there was unbelievable. The years of allegations that he was born overseas were quite clearly racist.

running against a business man in a time when our economy is a primary issue of importance

Sovereign debt doesn't work like business debt.

I dont hate them as individuals, Im sure there are many who I would find to be pleasant, moral human beings. on the other hand, I cant ignore repeated warnings that a significant portion of the group are terrorists, and that rape and murder crimes skyrocket around them either.

I suggest you go live in a multicultural area, it's the best cure for islamophobia. You should also know that rates of rape and murder skyrocket when you associate with men rather than women, but that's hardly a good reason to avoid men as the rate is so tiny anyway.

(P.S: I find it fishy that we have videos of executions despite Quran 2:190 which specifically states "do not commit aggression. god does not love aggressors."

This is not unique to Islam.

oh, wait, 8:12 says to "strike above their necks, and strike off every fingertip of theirs", which is, apparently, not aggression in the eyes of Alah.

Right, like the bible isn't full of similar contradictions. Turn the other cheek, yet living in a city of non-christians is punishable by death to all inhabitants, including christians and animals (Deuteronomy 13:12-15), living in a city that failed to surrender to the israelites also punishable by death to all inhabitants (though the children are merely made slaves, huzzah!) (Deutereonomy 20:12-14), lying about your virginity, being a victim of rape, homosexuality, blasphemy, breaking the sabbath, being stubborn, ignoring the verdict of priest, all punishable by death. Prostitution is punishable by death by fire, how exciting.

Now, I'm not arguing that Christianity (as in, Christianity today) is a religion of violence, because it's clearly not - you and I both have Christian friends who aren't fundamentalists. But basically every religion is chocked full of violence and self-importance. It's precisely this property that has allowed today's major religions to survive into the present day while others less focused on self-preservation have died out. Even fetishised "religions of peace" like Buddhism aren't excluded from this (look up the situation in Myanmar)

check out Sharia Law, seeing as that is an intrinsic part of the islamic faith. convinced that you dont want them over here yet?)

Most Muslim countries do not use Sharia, and most muslims don't abide by it. Same as all the prohibitions against eating shellfish in the Bible - how many self-identifying Christians do you know that observe that prohibition?

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