Really appreciate this group

Based on OP's later comments about a quasi-arranged marriage, she's from a culture that I suspect doesn't condone divorces so there's that 'pressure'. It's not as easy to think 'divorce' and I'm done without an immense weight of guilt.

She's essentially been 'groomed' to be the perfect wife and, if I can be bold enough to speak on her behalf, is now in a position of not really knowing who she is or what she wants. For me, the work that I would (and have done) if I were OP is on her sense of personal identity when it's not inextricably intertwined to her husband, parents, community around her. That takes therapy, meditation, inner-child work, somatic work- anything to not feel guilty for doing things for herself rather than others. Above all, it requires facing the terrifying fear that you may have no idea who you are when you look closely enough and being okay with that.

I haven't read your previous posts OP so please feel free to call this gibberish and entirely my own projection onto you, just know that I've been on your path and, slow and painful as it may seem, answers can be found. x

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