i really feel like im disappointing everyone from the old sub and this sub going down this rabbithole

going 2 be real cause even tho we do not talk often I have always been very fond of u. i know you hold no genuine hate towards women but even dancin around the outskirts of communities built 4 incels is dangerous for vulnerable young men like u. when ur problem is loneliness any community that accepts you can be tempting. it will affect you even if it is just slightly, enough time spent there

you have to understand these communities are inherently evil and built purely on harmful rhetoric with a coat of paint that looks like understanding. they are not meant to uplift you but to make you look down on others. they want you to tap into the worst parts of yourself. if you do not want to be that person you do not have to be

n this one is just personal opinion but sex n relationships r so whatever bro like baking a cake gives me more satisfaction than a nut Trust me you have time to find a partner. learn to appreciate solitude n the non-romantic/sexual encounters u have

also if i read this wrong n u meant another rabbithole n ur not actually pokin around incel communities ignore me im embarrassed but i already typed 2 much so im posting anyway even tho im not 100% sure

/r/adultsnew Thread