I screamed at my 6 w.o. and I now I hate myself and my life with a newborn

I'm gonna be brutally honest. These posts just make me so sad. I knew exactly what I was getting into when I had my daughter. I researched everything and prepared for the absolute worst. I read countless forums on real discussions about being a mother and what to expect. Having a baby is insanely life changing. I wish more people took the time to truly mentally prepare for what was coming. There is so much information online about postpartum depression, the baby blues, and what to expect in the first few weeks. Even the obgyn brought it up every appointment. Bringing a life into the world is not something to take lightly. But some people are just so focused on the Kodak moments.

I don't mean to be a jerk. But I just hate that some poor baby out there has a mother who resents it and yells at it. And I want to agree with all the other comments and say it will get better for you, but just go and look over at r/parenting. For a lot of people it DOESNT get better. Some people still resent their kids 5, 10, 15 years later. So many people rant about how they love their child but if they could go back again they wouldn't have them.

So decide right now. Do you want to be that person constantly resenting motherhood? Do you want to be bitter and unhappy the next 18 years? Honestly a lot of it is your mindset. If I hadn't known what I was getting into, I might have felt the same way you do. You have to reframe the way you think about motherhood. Instead of seeing it as taking away from your life, look at how it is going to enrich your life so much more. Think about how you get to shape this little human. Think about what you're going to teach them and share with them. Think about family vacations and Christmas morning and trips to the zoo and all the giggles and hugs. One day you're going to be an old woman and you're not going to reminisce about that time you slept in or all the freedom you had. You're going to think about these moments- your sweet little baby in your arms and all the memories you've made with them over the years.

You can't turn back now. You're in it. You can commiserate with all the other moms out there who are also bitter and resentful if that makes you feel less alone. Or you can embrace it. Get into it. You're a mom now. This is one of the most important things you will ever do in your life. These moments you are resenting, you will look back and wish you could go back to these simple times. Read more posts from moms that love being a mother and try to see what they love about it. Reframe the way you picture your life right now. Try to change your mindset. Just try. For your baby.

/r/beyondthebump Thread