I REALLY need help understanding the Pisces man I’m dating

Recalled advice specific to a few Capricorns

My "first love" (there is no such thing as love to me, yet, by the definition where "in love" is passion and "love" is where you decide to stick together after "in love") is Capricorn. He came back. He'd message me, ask to call. I let him call once. Hung up early. He was asking to call again so I agreed and laid out what I am and am not interested in. Basically, it turns out I am not interested in him and I was able to tell him very quickly. So to answer your question I don't think it's normal to not be able to communicate what you want as you want it. I think it would be normal to talk about what everyone wants at some point

Another time I was strictly platonic with a Capricorn. He texted me complaining about how he feels about my behaviour. I said, I didn't read that. I can't talk to you anymore. Simple. If he doesn't like my behaviour he's not obliged to text me. But this was only because I didn't need him

I don't need any guy really, unless he's making himself needed. To give an example I also recently dealt with a Pisces guy, who I'm not sure was as straightforward as I can be when I'm dealing with these kinds of situations. Even so, it didn't hurt me on the flip either. I cared about being heard and clear on where I stood myself (something he tried to corrode), and I cared about our "understanding" in which we seem to enjoy the other it's just I know he's having a bad time and I know it's a bad time (but whenever I say that about someone I get duped) he didn't say it outright, but I knew, that he's having a bad time, bad timing, etc.

I don't know if he cared about me. He said he did. And I feel like he really does care, he just didn't know how, and that's when love/care can wound.“To love without knowing how to love wounds the person we love.” But I'm not still wounded

/r/piscesastrology Thread