RED ROPE - With MaximumPower

Watch MaximumPower and PlazamWing play Red Rope: Don’t Fall Behind is a local co-op game for two players.

Red Rope: Don’t Fall Behind where the two protagonists are the archetypal couple, united by a rope that represents their bond.

Their link has a double meaning: it surely is a restriction, a promise, a limit to their liberty, but it is also an alliance, a pact, a synergy.

Without their link, the rope, they wouldn’t be able to survive the insidious labyrinth in which they move, they would be defenceless facing the macabre presences that torment them, they would be indiscernible from the roaming shadows they themselves sacrifice to strengthen their bond.

The labyrinth is a cosmological representation, a mandala, where every area, every enemy, every value and every geometry has an intentional symbolic placement.

What the players have to face is an initiatory journey in search of the key that opens the exit door.

An arduous and difficult challenge, a cathartic ritual, that only the most valiant players will be able to carry out, players with a special elective affinity.

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