Red Skull at night, Hoarders delight.

Sorry, I tried posting this several times through the app but it failed everytime I got an error message. I tried changing the image size and format to no evail. Eventually I set up an imgur account just to upload it through the web browser, that worked. Then as it was 2am here I went to sleep.

This post was only uploaded once when I checked my profile, as I did after every attempt. I also checked the 'New' filter on the sub. It was nowhere to be seen after every failed attempt on the app.

I then wake up to find it has somehow posted the 5 failed attempts 2 hours after the successful post, around 5am while I was asleep.

I noticed a post before i went to sleep which had been reposted like 5 times too and wondered why the hell he did it.

Then I wake up and find a bunch of messages directed at me, check to see and suddenly theres like 5 posts on my profile that were not there when I last checled which were also made while I slept. Must be a strange issue with the app.

I've deleted all the reposts and thought I'd at least explain what happened my end, sorry again.

/r/Seaofthieves Thread Parent Link -