Reddit Conservatives discussing the Kavanaugh sexual assault allegations Starter Pack

If Reddit doesn't see a problem with frantically politicizing and publicizing an incredibly serious allegation despite less than zero evidence against a guy the democrats don't like at an incredibly convenient time than I digress. Seriously look at it objectively - a woman *bravely* comes out to accuse Kavanaugh of assaulting her 36 years ago and somehow never said anything until now (big coincidence I'm sure) and has no witnesses or evidence whatsoever - and also somehow forgot the time and place that this alleged assault occurred? Fuck sake.

Drop the politics for a second and think about the precedent the left are setting with this. You can now, thanks to the modern media and crazed victim-culture, randomly accuse a man you've never met of assaulting you with zero evidence whatsoever and there's a decent chance it will get smeared everywhere until you ruin his life with it. Idk maybe I'm crazy but that seems a little bit terrifying to me.

All that said if it turns out Kavanaugh did it (based on actual proof) then it's a TOTALLY different story and I'd happily eat my words on this, but from where I'm standing this whole situation is a bit worrying for the future - both for actual victims of sexual assault and literally any male figure in a position of power who isn't left-wing.

/r/starterpacks Thread Link -