Good advice for auditions

I typed this out and then saw that you were front ensemble, so you can disregard some of the visual comments. Figured I would still post it anyway.

Try to separate yourself so that you are remembered especially if there is a large turn-out of people auditioning. You want to staff to remember your name when they're making those call-back or final decisions.

  • Understand the audition requirements, buy the packets, and come in prepared.
  • Most corps have audition groups on Facebook. Join them and participate. Most of staff are usually in these as well.
  • Wear your name tag - make sure it's visible at all times the entire camp.
  • Walk-up and introduce yourself to the staff. It can be brief, but most people will never do this.
  • For Visual, if they setup a block, try to go front and center. Don't be in the very back corners hiding out.
  • If you have a question, ask it. If you're not comfortable in the group, ask it during a break one-on-one.
  • If the staff gives you a critique to improve on something, work on it during a break if that's possible. Ask the staff member that gave the comment later in the camp if they can watch (or listen) to you to see if you're on the right track. Show that you are interested in improving and again...interact.
  • Look the part. It's an athletic activity. Don't wear jeans and a t-shirt that is three times too big. You wouldn't go into a job interview or any other audition rolling out a sleeping bag with your hair a mess, stains on your t-shirt, etc. It's so common at these camps. That impression does matter.
  • Make sure you know your standing before you leave. If they don't tell you for some reason, ask.
  • If you get a call-back or don't make it, make you sure have clear details on what you need to improve on going into the next camp or the following year.

Be prepared, be memorable, and show that you are willing to improve.

/r/drumcorps Thread