Redditor proves that the Republican party consistently and almost unanimously votes for policies harmful to the vast majority of Americans

Using non-political subreddits as a place to pander your political ideology is like walking into a 1st grade class and offering candy to kids that say Republicsns are evil, and making the kids that refuse to say it do extra homework.

Redditors might not all be first graders, but we sure as hell have the same attention span as them. You think your typical redditor has nothing better to do than read legislation...for fun? We're here to burn off steam, procrastinate, and maybe find specific information pertaining to some specific interest.

The people that are agreeing with you are the ones that either thought that way already or don't have the attention span to read a ridiculous amount of legislation... Ie a reasonable fucking person.

The ones that disagree with you are being downvoted or just gave up on this thread entirely. But please, don't take their absence as a reason to question your confirmation bias. /s

Nice little circle jerk you started here. You need a life and a reality check if you feel proud of this post in any form. This post is not just a shit post. It's toxic and only feeds into the divisive Echo chamber mentalities that are radicalizing people. If you haven't realized, people like you are the villains that are destroying this country.

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