Redditors who work from home!! how is it? what do you do all day?

It's pretty great. So much so, that I don't think I can ever go back to a regular schedule at an office.

I run a business with multiple locations. Each location has a director who manages operations. I supervise those directors and handle the upper level administrative issues, and generally guide the direction of the business. I don't have an office of my own at any location, so in a way I'm without a home. So I do most of my work in my home office. I maintain a drop in membership at a local yuppie incubator facility (the type with multiple entrepreneurs in a shared "hip" office space) for meeting with clients, which feels a little more professional than always meeting at a coffee shop. I fill my day with what we need done, and can do with without many distractions so my productivity is much higher than it ever was when I was at a company desk. Plus, when I'm done with work, I'm done. No sitting around waiting til 5. My evaluations are based on what I actually accomplish and it shows in the bank account, and I find that highly motivating for me.

I also have the option of popping in at any of our locations if I ever miss the camaraderie or social aspects of work, and in general our employees are happy to have me around because it keeps me connected with the work they're doing and gives them input in our direction, which I value. I try to spend a few hours at each location once a week or every other and attend as many staff meetings as I can.

I've been pretty lucky to get into this situation. I don't take it for granted, but I do revel in it and I'm getting more accomplished than ever. But if I want to post to Reddit at noon on a Monday, no one's going to be looking over my shoulder.

So yeah, I recommend it.

/r/AskReddit Thread