What do fans honestly think of the way the direction of the show is/has been going?

I think the issue has not been that less People are watching the walking dead but less People are watching the first screening on Sundays with all the commercials so the ratings have dropped and so the cliff hanger is there as a thing to to give the ratings a boost at the start of season 7.

I think they overestimate themselves and how much television viewers are going to care.I heard a thing with Scott Gimble talking about Lenny James the actor who plays Morgan and he was saying he was apprahensive about something because he didnt know if Lenny James had a sense of humour.I was like he is an English actor in an American zombie show of course he has a sense of humour and get your head out of your bubble.Anyway I have a feeling they have packed in more blood and gore and shocking then they originally would have been comfortable with in season seven episode one because of the backlash from the cliffhanger so I can't help thinking the whole thing has gotten a bit cynical.More gimmick and less about good story telling and expressing creative energy.

I still think the walking dead is excellent quality television but it is just television and I can take it or leave it .It has been moving ahead and going around in circles at the same time which is impressive but if the main feature of season seven is going to be more people facing more adversity verses bigger and badder baddies then that's alright but whatever.Can take it or leave it and have definetly become less invested in it in the past two seasons.

/r/thewalkingdead Thread