Relevant tweets from Palmer 2 weeks ago about the price of the CV1

Sorry I'm not a sub here and I don't really care about VR, but I thought of a question you guys might actually want to talk about. What exactly does that even mean? "VR will become something everyone wants before it'll become something everyone can afford."

Take PC gaming, renoun by console enthusiasts that it's too expensive for them right away, but most with a brain will admit it's superior. I'd disagree on both fronts, because a PC can be great but has many small drawbacks that have little to do with what the computer can be used for and mostly depend on what's being made for it and how. It is definitely cheaper for the performance as well, PCs that is.

Now say the same thing to yourself about VR. What's it going to have over traditional gaming? What's it going to cost in comparison to traditional gaming? Even if this thing was <$400 as anticipated, those two things kind of don't change. Is $200 going to make or break it? Probably not, but the success of VR depends on good VR implementation, not a higher cost for enthusiasts.

For the non-enthusiast, casual people who just want to try it, you should be thinking "How long until the price goes down, and is this thing going to suffer because of it?" Are they going to cut corners everywhere and make an overall shoddy product just to meet your wallet? It's still going to be really expensive even when it's lower quality.

I left opinion out of this until now, since I'm ultimately trying to help you guys and maybe put two cents in to the discussion in hopes of bringing forward new, relevant issues for the future of VR. I just have to say that this is why I have no hope in VR being good, or being cheap, or being worthwhile. It's going to take at least 8-12 years in my opinion, before things hit a casual price point that is worth looking into. $400 is too much, $700 is way too much, and the quality can't get worse because I think it's shit to begin with. They've got a long way to go.

/r/oculus Thread Link -