Remember when COD would poke fun at noobs instead of designing the entire game around protecting them?

In what way. What are you seeing when playing the game? My lobbies are all people pre aiming around every corner or jumping around corners while ADS. The latter is a way to due the former in a more aggressive way. You can tell the game feels way different than other cods. In mw2019 you never have to jump around corners or pre aim corners. Mw2019 has good sprint to fire speeds. You can run around then ADS when you see someone. In mw2 the sprint to fire is awful so most people are ADS whenever they go around a corner.

You can compare it to older cods. Mw, mw2, blops, mw3, blops 2. In these games people almost never pre aimed. Most people would run around the map and use guns with quick ADS.

Sprint to fire is somehow different such that no one is doing it. I think less than 5% of my gun battles are me and another guy sprinting into eachother.

In old cods knifing was super common cause you would always accidentally run into someone. Having quick ADS was super common cause you would always run into someone. These days you don't care about either of those because the gun battles are always super different.

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