Reminder that TOMORROW is the special election in Kansas for Mike Pompeo's seat. This is a district that went for Trump by 30+ points, but worries the GOP enough that they sent Pence, Cruz, and $100k to help. Special elections are all about turnout, so spread the word and help defeat the swampy GOP!

I'm not going out of my way to antagonize Trump supporters, we are in a sub where telling the truth about it won't trigger the "why Trump won" mechanism so much as if we were in a more mainstream or patently conservative one. That said, stop walking on eggshells so much and give some due credence to the idea that Trump's win wasn't so exclusively a result of claimed economic stress. Bernie is good at a lot of things, but being straight with us about our Trump-supporting neighbors en masse isn't one, and with good reason since he wants to retain some level of respect in all circles he can. But there is no shortage of surveys and studies highlighting that racism, sexism and intolerance are as considerable as predictors of Trump support as economic factors. Here are a few sources if you are so inclined. 1 2 3

Please don't take this as a claim that economic factors aren't at play, or that all Trump supporters are unequivocally racist. It's just an acknowledgment of what the far left seems to be avoiding in an overcompensatory attempt not to offend, or not to accidentally look like they are blaming entirely the one factor. The truth is there are many factors, but social intolerance in its various forms, often sanitized for expression in forms including disdain for "political correctness", is showing to be a considerable one, and that shouldn't be accepted.

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