Reporter wants to know your questions about the new gun policies on campus!

Interesting that IACLEA, which I believe grants RIT Public Safety it's accreditation, takes the below approach.

"Training should also be considered relative to the type of officers you have on campus:

Nonsworn Officers/Contract Security: This is arguably the category with the least amount of armed personnel, although these types of departments do exist. If you have nonsworn officers, their use of weapons will more than likely be heavily regulated by a state, regional, county or local agency, code or law and should be researched very carefully. Laws or codes may allow limited use of weapons or they may have special requirements. In addition, if the use of a weapon is ever challenged in court, training standards could be targeted. Armed nonsworn officers require a carefully monitored initial training program and continuing education. Many government and private organizations even offer security academies for these individuals.

It should be noted that if the college or university hires a private contractor to provide this service, the university is not immune from liability resulting from its actions. The administration should check to see what training and operational standards are in place, what procedures it has and how incidents are reported, documented and resolved.

Generally speaking, most experts agree that if a university is looking to arm its officers, it might be better to convert to a police department or obtain peace officer status first. A benefit to converting would mean that if an incident is reviewed in court, an institution would not have to struggle to justify unique or proprietary training standards. Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) would kick in and past precedents would be the institution’s friend.

Arming nonsworn officers may have its merit but warrants a much closer look since this can be a tricky scenario. For this and other reasons, the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA) advises against the use of non-commissioned personnel to “question, detain, or restrain the movement of citizens.”

/r/rit Thread