[REPOST/VIDEO/NSFW/GORE/EXTREME DISTURBING] Shocking video shows a tied up and gagged woman being killed with blows from a pickaxe, stone and sticks (Full story and video at link in first comment below)

Well, I was born and raised there so I guess I know more than him and you with your statistics. Yes, there may be a higher murder percentage, but it’s not a shithole country. There are a lot more in Brazil than this random gore videos, ppl there are actually know to be welcoming and joyful. lil homie there probably never heard a word about Brazil and now has that vision of it that because one of the guys that posts more videos here take them from a Brazilian news site, so ppl think that most of shit happens there. (the murder ratio it is high but most of it are gang members killing each other and each other girls) what country are you from? Let’s say it’s Italy , imagine a guy getting a news site from Italy where it show the mafia guys torturing people etc etc and then he posts constantly those videos saying it happen in Italy and people that know nothing about the country go like: omg I would never go to that horrible place. The truth is we are humans those kinds of atrocities are in our nature, it happens everywhere, but in this sub and in others most of the content comes from that Brazilian website making it look like it only happens here. Anyways,I gotta sleep now, tomorrow I will have a drink with my friends in a boat ride in my shithole country. Jk asides this way of thinking is veryyy close minded I don’t know much about Slovenia if I saw a bunch of gore videos from there I wouldn’t just assume there’s a terrible place. Anyway that’s what I gotta say

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