Request to remove the sub r/pedophilesafehaven

You're questioning... if I know the law?

What on gods creation makes you think you know more about the law, than anyone, more or less me lol...

I think you vastly underestimate the U.S. governments ability to prosecute someone for sex crimes. You have already admitted you're a pedophile, and there's nothing you can do to exclude that from evidence in trial. All they have to do is comb through your reddit profile and if there is 1 picture you looked at that happens to be someone that is underaged, and you LOVE to comment on these photos it seems, then congrats! Prison.

Not only that, but you seem like you're either underage, or early 20s or something. So, once they get probable cause, they can search your entire internet history, get a warrant for your home, they are going to get ALL of this reddit posts into evidence... You think I don't understand this 'fine line' between a pedophile and someone who assaults children? Try convince the jury there's a line lol.

I also notice you only bringing up "assaulting children" but not CP? You can still 100% go to prison for being underage and having pictures of underage children. There is no romeo and juliet laws in the federal system either. Most federal prosecutors I know would LOVE to put you behind bars for life, and the majority of them I know have never lost a sex crimes case in their life because they are so passionate about locking people like you up forever.

My advice: You might want to stop trolling on the internet before this disgusting garbage you're into on the internet catches up with you and you see what it feels like for someone bigger than you to take advantage of you because you're powerless... except yours will be from a prison cell. Try explaining that distinction to rapists and murders.

Go ahead. Keep trolling. Please.

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