Requesting /u/RPDRArena; only mod is inactive and I would like to make it a bigger part of the community of related subreddits

Shut the f*** up you porcine salt smelling bitch. I’m not clicking on that link. Promote your onlyfans somewhere else. Who are you to request the Arena? What are your qualifications? Do you mount up to the legend that is me? Bitch i built that pantheon and there is only room for 1 god. It’s not one god and one roach. Tell your nanny to read you +12 yrs books it’s time to upgrade from kindergarten material. Bitch thinks she can skins me alive and gets to have my personality. Bitch think she is buying me like buying a jacket from a thrift store. Bitch thinks this is 1777 she can colonize my sub and in 300 yrs put my face in a bottle of mayo. Your presence completely baffles me. Who are you?? You showed up in my live the same way that house centipede crawled out of my heater. Ugly hideous presence. The difference is I don’t get to ask someone to get rid of you. I have to steep low and deal with you personally. I need you to take a nap and reassess your choices. You cannot and will never be worthy of modding the Arena. Don’t ever dare to disturb my peace. Go make your own sub.

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