Requesting /r/lofe, only moderator has been banned from reddit for 6 months, subreddit is unusable

  1. The subreddit is currently about the Youtuber "Lofe," who has over 1 million subscribers. I plan to keep the topic the same, and simply make it usable again by allowing submissions and fostering a strong community. It appears that whoever ran it before was banned from all of reddit many months ago, and prevented any submissions on the subreddit rendering it unusable. Because of this, I do not have any karma in the subreddit, but will look forward to posting and stickying links to Lofe's videos when they come out, and assembling a mod team to handle the surge of traffic.

  2. As I mentioned, the only moderator of this subreddit, /u/RoastedChicken_bruh, is banned from Reddit, so I am not able to message them.

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