Requesting r/RabbitReddit Top mods dont filter out users breaking Reddit's guidelines and have been extremely inactive in the sub.

This comment is all that /r/redditrequest needs to see to understand how bad it is. This girl ( Corestormy ) that laughingAtRabbit talks about has been harassing and spamming us constantly and keeps ban-evading to keep griefing us. Its so bad that shes on my front page daily multiple times now.

Its obvious laughingatrabbit is just Corestormy because no one else even knows this is going on. Yet new day 1 accounts keep being made and ' commenting ' acting like different people, but they all staunchly support Corestormy.

Corestormy says rabbit is a pedophile ring and that user oChris tried to rape her ( in an online room ) among other outlandish things. At first a lot of us sympathized and believed she was telling the truth, but month after month of no proof has made a lot of us jaded so we stopped listening.

Now she won't leave us alone.

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