Rescued slaves from The Arab slave trade crowd the deck of the HMS Daphne, 1868

“but ____ did it too” like children

sounds like an attack to me. I'm saying "arabs did it too" thus I'm the child?

Slavery is not funny. Someone said the arabs profited as much as the british from slaves. Which is true. The fact that arabs don't have statues to slavers (because they don't have statues at all) misinterpreted as "they don't have statues because they never abolished slavery, just found a modern version" gave me a chuckle. Don't you honestly see the difference?

I don't know what is this blame shifting you see. First you attack me (which I don't mind, I can stand a good debate). Then you defend modern slavery "I know this happens - this is not the post" "how is modern slavery connected to old timey slavery"

Again, you read reddit posts hierarchically. Everything under my post will be somehow related to "modern arab slavery". If you just follow people's profiles and reply to their posts with 0 context - like I now realize you did to me - of course it will make zero fucking sense and seem to you unrelated to the post.

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