the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

Secondly, the only entitled one is you dog, i want people to be paid for their labor properly, not have most of it stolen into these theifs hands. Cause you dont earn billions for your “hard work”, you earn it by the hard work of others that they pay to you, called profits.

Do you know what entitled means? Also. No one stole anything from you. You get paid what you’re worth to society. If you disagree you have options. But sitting your arse behind a computer complaining thay you’re owed something by society is thenpinacle of self-entitlement.

Yes, im saying profits are theft, cause thats wealth not paid to the one who produced it, so tell me again friend, how am i entitled?

You just did.

Im not saying i want it all, god no, id feel sick having that much wealth.

Make sure to let us all know what’s the cutoff line.

Also, by what metric worked? Everywhere ive seen it implemented, conditions rise until the US gets involved or later near the USSRs collapse, which im not gonna lie the USSR did get corrupt in the end, sadly as they tried to “reform” society to be more western suprise suprise it started to get more corrupt, least china didnt go that route.

Oh boy. You need to do some research dog.

Anywho im done replying, im heading to bed now cause i got a car to work on tommorow so i can pay for the shit i use.

Glad you have that opportunity.

Be thankful.

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