I think my favorite instance of crazy was when my old director hired an outside consultant to assess why the hagwon was losing so many kindergartners to POLY (after having a staff member call and pretend to enroll her own son in POLY to find out its 'mysterious secrets'). The outside consultant interviewed all staff members individually. In my interview he went on about cutting off the head of the snake to fix the problem. That somehow entailed forcing most of the kindergarten teachers to resign (some who had been their 15 years), and firing the head teacher (without figuring out how to do essential admin functions of her job, or even providing a replacement). All this instead of solving the actual issues (poor upper management). We were then informed that the outside consultant was our new director. He refused to talk to the native teachers (he told my coteacher he thought we were dumb haha), would sign kids up for classes without asking their parents (he took one poor girl's credit card), forced a female employee to stay late and walk home with him every night, and bragged about going to Oxford (which, it turns out was some school in the Philippines).