Is Romania slavic or not put ur arguments for and against.

However you say, you don't need to respond anymore, just keep in your mind what i said. I wish you a honest good luck and happiness. If you like being slav, be slav but don't force others...that's all. You don't have the power to choose who we are and you never will and you need to accept that and if you're actually romanian and not humgarian to me it doesn't matter your clearly a suffering person, you may not know it or realize or acknowledge it but this is the situation and you need to get over it. Take care of yourself first, the theories about the world and history are not that important as happiness is. Pick up a passion, get a job, make friends, spend more time with loved ones, occupy your mind and body, go to the gym, be active socially in real life not here, also fizically and you will feel changes in your life trust me, try it at least. Again, without any irony, i honestly wish you a nice day. I know you probably think im making fun but i'm not that type of person, we may desegree but trust me i have a good soul and don't want bad for you. Take care bro, slav or latin or whatever makes you happy because thats the most important thing.

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