What do you think about the situation in Afghanistan?

Russia was famous for its literature because the Russians were the biggest group within the empire without being a majority. That's called plurality. If you take "Russians" and "all others", "all others" were the majority. It would be hard for the biggest group to not be heard the most, sucks that it was heard on top of Russification of non Russians, who were the majority.

You claimed that Russian elites were Germanised. But Russian literature which came from Russian elites was in Russian not German so that disproved your claim.

Pan-Slavism is a great concept in theory, but in reality is was just a tool to change the opinion of groups like Poles and Ukrainians about Russia.

Russia did not need Pan-Slavism for Ukrainians. Because even without bringing in West Slavs and South Slavs Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians have a special historical connection and viewed themselves as 3 nations (Great Russia, White Russia and Little Russia) making up one larger nation. And it did not work on the Poles anyway. So you can’t claim it was for Poles. Pan-Slavism was mainly focussed on the liberation of Slavs from Turkish oppression. Which came from a genuine connection felt by Russians as Slavs and as the protectors of Orthodox Christianity and an obligation they felt to help the South Slavs in the Ottoman Empire.

The empire needed a boost in power, so they concocted the idea, but it was really an euphemism for Russian supremacy over other Slavs. Or do you forget how the nice and respectful empire was hell bent of turning Poles into Russians? I am very glad "Pan-Slavism" failed, because I prefer Poland to be Poland, not little Russia. The commies were imperialistic too, but at least they didn't push Russification onto u

That is what this is about for you. You don’t like Russians so you want to blame them for communism even though the facts show that isn’t what it was. Goldberg, Ouritski, Bronstein, Yankel, Larine, Rosenfeldt, Stelkof… those are not Russians.

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