Round Two for Treasure Coast Magic

Ladies night has gone on just fine without any issue for years.

I've been a semi regular and if this shop loses it's WPN status we lose a HUGE magic scene I'm talking like a Tri County 40 mile radius is gonna take a huge hit.

I made in the beginning of my magic days got mad discounts and help building a competitive standard deck from this shop, they were willing to sell their cards at a loss (I was extremely low on money for a legacy tournament.) to help me out so I could make it to a tournament in time.

I mean if WOTC is gonna look into the whole Florida Magic Shops they need to look further south at some of West Palm Beach area shops >.> (not naming any names. Ya know who you are if you've been doing your customers / doing actually discriminatory things...) Where there's actual issues. / Clean up Ft. Lauderdale / Miami while they are at it.....

I mean hell if WOTC actually cleaned up all of Florida's shops there'd be like 2-3 shops to play in a 100 mile radius of where I live.....

/r/magicTCG Thread Link -