MacGyver opens a university. What are some subjects being offered?

He was a year older then all of us and a bit bigger. I started getting bigger over the summer before freshmen year I waited for him to be in the locker room after PE I was in football so I knew he was in there. I come up behind him and wrapped a towel around his neck and twisted I Olmec him to the locker room floor and stomped and beat him till he stopped moving I loved the door turned out the light and went to class. He had been hitting and shoving kids some my friends some but he had grabbed my girl between he legs and called her and easy piece he was very violent and I'm sure he was being mistreated at home. After I beat him I never told anyone I did and he never touched another person that I heard about he dropped out the next semester. I realized a few years ago that I had almost killed this person I have had rage problems my whole life but had been able to channel them in to something else that was the first time I'd ever hurt anyone but it would not be the last I'm getting help help now

/r/AskReddit Thread