Russia Receives Lowest Approval in World: Russia in 2014 earned the lowest approval ratings globally for the eighth consecutive year and posted the highest disapproval ratings it has received to date

That's good. By relentlessly over-focusing on everything Putin does and says we're kept from paying serious attention to some of the worst havoc that's been wreaked in the 21st century; the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Big ol' Uncle Sam wants you to forget about an illegal war and more than 500,000 dead Iraqis as soon as possible, because you might just realize that your country's relationship with him ticks every box on the "abusive behaviour checklist".

Right now, my government is undoubtedly passing on my metadata to the NSA because they're America's little bitch - and there's nothing I can do about that. The US received no international backlash even remotely similar to the one that Putin's received in his illegal annexation of Crimea and his proxy war in Ukraine. No sanctions, no penalties - not even a serious dent in America's economy. And the 'MurricabotsTM on this website will shut up every such attempt at discussion by throwing around the "whataboutism"-card and pretending like the issue is in fact incredibly complex and that the US is hardly at fault.

As far as most Europeans' personal situation goes, Putin isn't doing much to meddle in your business. The US? NSA, TTIP, Iraq. And that's just in the past 12 years. So, great. Let's keep on paying all this excessive attention to Putin.

Sanctions and other efforts against Russia's aggression are a good thing, but we can't truly change Russia for the better. I don't live there. Even if I did, Putin wouldn't give a fuck; that's something the Russian people will have to deal with themselves. We can change our countries for the better though. And that means holding our officials and politicians to the same standards as we apparently do foreign ones, or even higher standards if possible.

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