She’s a special breed

Nah, just bc youre passionate about something doesnt give you the right to harass, disrespect, insult, harm others bc YOUR angry.

There are ways to handle/address things which requires the use of ones brain and to weigh the pros versus cons, along with is your behavior going to get others to understand/agree with your logic.

Here, this is just pathetic behavior where the employees that have nothing to do with anything, have to clean upntue mess. The other wise most dont even think abiut is inventory,/accountability. They have to sift and figure out what was damaged, note the UPC codes, send it off to management, then marketing, then the sales department, to offset accounting departments bc they now have a loss, a normal demand the at yields a specific amount of profits. With the loss of these products it messes with how much to ship for the next round, which is from another warehouse, amdnafter enough theft and damage, it affects how much the people overseas make, andnshio out. This happens in the millions of dollars.

So no, this clown whining about her cat, it apart of a much larger picture of issues that affect all of us from the suppliers down to the buyers who may not find a product they specifically want and not know why.

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