S10 Nancy Drew/Discussion Thread (4.0) (They're Back!)

Everyone, I have a candidate for the Laila McQueen of this season: CupCake, from Austin, TX

CupCake is pretty popular in Austin, and is known for her genderfuck/oddball drag. Also has won a few pageants a few years back. I saw her as an opening act for Mimi's tour with Trixie, Milk, etc. She recently began selling merch as well.

Instagram : last active on September 3, fairly active before that.

Facebook : Last active on September 3 (link to insta post from same date. Last Facebook post on August 31.) fairly active before that.

Twitter : has never tweeted.

[Boy Facebook](www.facebook.com/firstnamecuplastnamecake) : VERY active before September 4. Reappeared yesterday saying she went to jail/rehab for 30 days.

According to court records , she did go to jail recently, but got out the 6th, just in time to go to the show.

Could she be on?

/r/rupaulsdragrace Thread