Aja, queen against appropriation

I just don't think that borrowing the word "aja" (which just means come here) after hearing it in a song is a big deal. Cultural appropriation has to do with power. I see where you're coming from, and I'd agree if she was speaking so flippantly about a word/symbol which has been used to mock South Asians, or has any importance historically/culturally/spiritually. But here, it's hard to care because it's such a simple word and that too taken from a Bollywood song which we talk about flippantly as well.

I also don't think it's fair to blame Aja for lack of representation on drag race (and anyway i think the reason why Canada has had more rep is because the Indian population there is bigger. And within the smaller minority that is there in the US, very few are likely to go into drag because of class/caste backgrounds & attached ideas of respectability)

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