Sakura vs. Team Kurenai (Hinata, Shino, Kiba and Kurenai)

Reaction speed is thee factor that determines the fight though and Attack speed is directly related to it. Sakura can see the Jyubi, it was so huge that even 8 tails looked the size of it's finger and 8 tails was easily the size of a mountain. Sakura should easily be able to see it. No other hyuga members saw it besides Hiashi(obviously he would, he is the strongest Hyuga at the time) and Hinata.

I think Sakura's observation skills are her worst attribute, She was unable to dodge Jyuubis wooden rods which Neji and Hinata easily did, she was unable to react to Obito's while Hinata was reacting to a process which is much more faster than it. Come on it's obvious

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