Hot Take on Itachi

However, the massacre of the clan in the first was not necessary, nor was it warranted at all.

Yes, it was.

…there were many other ways to stop the coup.

Such as?

The Leaf could have negotiated with the Uchiha…

They did.

…given them some sort of representation.

Representation for what? What other clans are uniquely represented in Konoha? The Uchiha aren’t special in that regard.

They could have had the Uchiha live among the other villagers in the heart of Konoha rather than keeping them on the outside in their own community, which drove the feelings of separation and hatred between the Uchiha and the village.

This is why Tobirama created the Police Force in the first place. He was trying to get the Uchiha to integrate into the village more, as they typically kept to themselves.

The Uchiha did not plan the coup because they merely wanted power, they did it because they were tired of being isolated and used by the village.

They weren’t isolated from the village until after the Nine-Tails attacked. The only thing even remotely similar to this is that Tobirama made the headquarters for the Police Force on the outskirts of the village, in an old prison. Which makes perfect sense. What prison do you know of that’s dead smack in the middle of a town?

Tobirama had the Uchiha be in the police force, not because he wanted to give them authority, but because he wanted to keep a close eye on them.

Why should he give them authority? Again, the Uchiha aren’t special. No other clans were given unique authority within the village, so why should the Uchiha?

There is a very, VERY high chance that the issue could be solved through peace talks…

Hiruzen tried, if you believe the novels, and they didn’t work.

…what I have described above, and many other ways.

You say that, but you put forth no actual alternative solution.

But instead, the village elders thought, "Oh, a coup?? We have to kill all of them then, we need to protect the village!"

Yeah, that’s generally what happens when you plot to overthrow a government. It’s called treason.

This thinking is prejudiced in itself because the Uchiha were an integral part of the village and the community, but the elders never treated them like they were.

In what world, in what way, is that prejudiced?

The elders themselves were the ones who drove the Uchiha to that point…

Ot they thought “Oh shit! A giant demon foxed with a set of Sharingan blazing in its eyes just attacked the village! Maybe we should segregate the clan responsible until we figure out the whole story.”

…in which they felt like they needed plan a coup or the Uchiha would continue to be used by the government and would lose power and standing in the village, among other things.

But you state above that they should have granted the Uchiha power. But the Council is trying to take away their power? So do they have power, or do they deserve power? You’re blatantly contradicting yourself here.

Many people say that this was an act of sacrifice, because Itachi sacrificed the clan for Sasuke to survive, but did he really??

Yes, he did.

The clan didn't even need to die in the first place.

Yes, it did.

/r/Naruto Thread