Paper Mario TTYD: The Skullgem - PART 80 - Game Grumps

Can... Can they not read?

This isn't exactly a new thing. Anyone that watches Game Grumps should know that they have literally zero reading comprehension.

And that's why we love them. I could go watch plenty of other people speed through this game taking 0 damage the entire way through while doing 20+ power bounces on every single boss, but that's not what I'm here for. I'm here for the Grumps and their gaming ineptitude is part of the package.

Just as long as they make progress and don't get stuck in a loop of game overs, I'm happy with however they play. Sure, it gets really frustrating seeing Dan not even attempt to use the other hammer moves or look at the ice badge he got a couple episodes ago that would have allowed him to jump on the fire enemies, but that's all part of the Game Grumps experience.

Although it would be nice for Arin to at least admit how bad he is at video games rather than make excuses for it. Yes, I understand that it's difficult to relearn a game when you take breaks that are weeks to even months long at a time, but maybe it would help to, I don't know, not take those long breaks and just finish one game before moving on to another?

Arin, we love you even if you suck at video games. We just want you to admit it so you can start having fun with it like we do.

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