Saturday Night Special: The Perils of Being AB in a Non-AB World

I'm late in responding, but I know how hurt it feels when someone asks about skincare, you went all out (almost) not to scare them with the routines, but just enough to get them started/interested.

Then they will go on and on how their skin is in trouble when the most basic (cleanse, tone, moisturise. That's IT. Sun block talk is mentioned once but that's pretty much it) is hard for them to follow, so I was conflicted to keep reminding them, or just keep quiet and be empathetic as I can afford to.

I kept quiet instead.

In all honesty, I stopped reading your posts after the water/foundation comment you made on my post the other day, but after stalking reading through people's comments and came here, I just want to say something about it.

Yes, maybe your friend unintentionally said that, but we always have spoilsport(s) among us. For a 62yo man, you look much better than my 61 yo dad. I didn't tell him about the long routine, but he washes his face every day. The only change I tried was changing the cleanser to a suitable PH, bought him a toner and a moisturiser. He, like your friend, said he forgot to do the three steps sometimes because it's tedious. It's a downer for me, but the positive thing is he uses the right cleanser, which made his skin not as oily and he doesn't look haggard anymore. He even asked me where to look for the cleanser so he can buy it himself.

I lost my mum a couple of years ago and I only started my routine, which has none to little improvement , a year ago. I keep telling myself, since I can't share or get the skincare advice from my mum whom I found out later on was an avid fan herself, at least I have my dad to share it with.

Hang on there, and happy future father's day /internethug

/r/AsianBeauty Thread