Saw someone post a drone stack. We stacking drones now?

u/snopro Is not fooling anyone.

Read 2/snopro post history. The user is a complete BUMFu#K. "iv;e linked the real snopro fuck tard behind the screen that spews semen from his mouth the minute he types. View his photos, posts.... this guy is a dip shit retard that can't shoot to save his life. Snopros father is still touching his son into adult hood, this is how we're left with this cumstain troll who spreads his garbage across the net.

Meet LITTLE BILLY FRANZ. IS THIS u/snopro???? The asshole talking crap on the internet?

Snopros is NOT VERY PRO LOL!!!

Goochie u/snopro has been identified as hailing from BUMFU#K CENTRAL. Prefers to show off his decorated firearms rather then the skills to shoot them. Not surprised to find this is the uneducated bumfu#k cunt rag that responded to Malik.

/r/Multicopter Thread Parent Link -