Ultra portable large endurance FPV tricopter, build suggestions?

[–]GametimeJones 6 points 4 hours ago  Check out the RCExplorer tricopter. There's probably no one else out there more knowledgable about tricopters than David Windestal. His design is awesome and he's got super detailed build videos on his website. Pretty much exactly what you're looking for. permalinksavereportgive goldreply [–]Snab3ldrake 1 point 4 hours ago  +1 for this permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]FFFly[S] 1 point 3 hours ago  I don't see them using anything past 11" props. Is it true that larger props are going to be more efficient? permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]andersonsjanisCustom 800mm hexacopter, Riga Latvia 2 points 4 hours ago  I suggest building something with 300-400kv motors, 15 inch props and 6s battery. Should get some nice flight times. permalinksavereportgive goldreply [–]FFFly[S] 1 point 3 hours ago  Any suggestions on a 6s 15" setup? From what I have seen there is a large price jump to 6s setups, particularly for batteries. Do you think for a 4s, that this is a good setup? Can it be lighter and/or more efficient with different motors/props? Do I have the right adapters for folding props? Any idea what servo I would need to turn such a big motor/prop? permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]andersonsjanisCustom 800mm hexacopter, Riga Latvia 1 point an hour ago  It is quite a jump in price, but also in efficiency. Anyway Id strongly advise you to build a Y6 instead. It is equally small, but way more safe. On my current hexa i have Sunnysky 4110 340kv motors. I've no idea what kind of servo you would need for that, but I'm sure there are some really big ones available for purchase. permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]TedW 0 points 4 hours ago  Can 600mm quads with 12" props really be considered 'ultra portable'? I see that term and I think micros or minis, something you could fit into a backpack without too much trouble. Not something requiring a trombone case and it's own seat in the car. Anyway, I've never built something that big, so I guess this was a pointless post. Just musing on your choice of priorities. permalinksavereportgive goldreply [–]FFFly[S] 2 points 4 hours ago  Can 600mm quads with 12" props really be considered 'ultra portable'? Its not a quad, its a tri. Have you seen them folded? They can be relatively small, like this but with folding props, it is even smaller. It should be no more than 8" wide, 4" tall and 13" long. Compared to other copters like a phantom, or F450/550, or even folding quads/hex a tri-like this is a full sized copter in a much more portable size. Small enough for carry on luggage on a plane even.. He wants to be able to hike and travel with a full sized copter, that will take up as little space in the car. He has flown my craft with FPV and much prefers my Tarot T650 to the 250 ZMR. The way the 650 folds, it still is really long, and umbrella folding ones still take up a ton of space, so this tri, is ultra portable compared to other full sized. Seems like the people who frequent this sub have never flown anything other than a 250 racer. permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]FL_SportsmanFlipFPVPRO-NanoQX-Flamewheel-Syma S5C[

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