So scared that something is wrong :(

I know how you feel. My wife and I are 9+3 right now. We had a basic appointment last week where we just did labs and talked with provider. Its been hardest for us because it feels like everyone on /r/BabyBumps or this subreddit gets their first US and ultimately image of the baby (making it real) as early as 7 weeks. For some reason this provider did not schedule it.

Because of insurance, we are changing providers, and our next appointment is not until the 27th as well at which point we will be 12+3. Its hard to be patient, but its even harder to not worry about the worst (miscarriage, no heartbeat, ectopic pregnancy). I am being strong for my wife and telling her we have no reason to believe anything is wrong (other than lots of nausea, no other symptoms whatsoever). But it is hard to believe my own words when we just haven't seen a thing. Every since we found out it is like days last a lifetime because we just want to know everything is okay!

My advice is to think positively (if possible) and distract yourself as much as you can until then so you dont spend days at a time pondering the worst. This is all I am doing at least and it is working decently for me.

And keep us updated, because you have people in your own boat who cares like me! :)

/r/Septemberbumpers2017 Thread